
Monday 25 March 2013

Cut Loose, Footloose, Kick Off The Sunday Shoes...

I don't know about you guys, but when I purchase a pair of shoes, lately I aim for comfort more than anything else. Don't get me wrong, looks are also important. I mean, shoes are the final frontier of your apparel. They can either compliment what you are wearing, or make you stick out like a sore thumb. That's the power of them. Very subtle, yet oh-so-deadly. No wonder women love them so much. That's some crazy female power right there.

A woman can wear, do or say almost whatever she wants to, if she wears a pair shoes that is still out of this world, it tends to shut the competition up. A smart woman knows this, and she'll use it. Very effectively. If you don't believe me, pay attention next time you are at a fancy work function or some gala event. We guys might be known to check out every other part of the female body, but women , they scrutinize footwear. Shoes are the boobs of the legs. Or ankles. Ankle-boobs. Chicks check out ankle-boobs ALL the time. They are that arresting.

Looking at these print ads I get the impression that Metro Shoes have an approach similar to mine. They go for the practical option of a comfortable feel more than just a look. (If only all relationships were this easy). The market they focus on are definitely young kids and 20 – 30 something adults. What they say to each of those I actually consider to be quite accurate. 

The chosen art direction for these ads are well done. It manages to capture the essence of what is important to the target market really well. For the kids, they show something that is fun and care free. To the older crowd, that which is considered important in their world. When coming up with a concept, this piece of information is especially of value. Knowing and understanding what exactly makes your target market 'tick' is what will help you execute a strategy, and an ad, that will best serve your clients and their product.

 The cool, retro couch design inside the one shoe in one of the ads definitely communicates some strong ideas about luxury, comfort and style, and it brings that concept of the brand across very clearly. The 'in-love' feeling you get from the woman sitting bare feet in the other shoe is also quite cool. In-love, is how you'll feel about a shoe that sits great on you, and the most comfortable shoes, are usually the ones you are hardly aware of. Almost like you're not wearing any.

The choice to use the interior of a convertible motorcar as the inside of one the shoe pairs, is also a good one. Freedom isn't free, but it doesn't have to cost you an arm and a leg, least of all your feet. They're not the most exciting ads ever, but they say what they have to and I'd like to believe that they weren't just signed off on for that sake.

Luckily at the end of the day taste is personal. However, what you choose to wear in order to make your walk worth one to remember might be exactly what somebody else will choose to forget. With Metro Shoes you can style in both. 

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