
Thursday 21 February 2013

Born a rockstar!

I had loads of fun analysing this print ad for the new Toyota FJ Cruiser. I found it layered with attitude yet simple enough to communicate everything Toyota wants to say to people through a to the point and precise manner about their new 4x4. In doing so they manage to underline everything you would expect from a machine like the FJ Cruiser.

To me it feels that the creative team that worked on this ad had loads of fun brainstorming all the various ideas and avenues they considered as options before finally deciding on this one. They definitely got it right in my opinion, and I'm sure Toyota feels more than confident that this print ad will make their vehicle stand out in a unique way amongst some tough competitors out there.

The contrast of the black and yellow looks great together. Colour often plays a significant role in the message that you are aiming to communicate to your market and what it says here feels right to me. There's literally no grey areas in the performance of the FJ Cruiser. Again it made me realise that the best things are often said in the simplest manner. 

On a slightly more intimate level it feels like you can almost sense what it must feel like being in this cruiser while it's doing a slow crawl up the mountain en route to its destination. In my mind I see a setting sun, a big fire, friends and an ice cold beer waiting for me. After an exciting ride as the one shown here, there's not much more you can wish for once you reach the top of your mountain. 

The use of the chevron colours along with the little road-sign block highlights the fact that there are certain roads where your normal rules don't apply; in fact they are meant to be broken. Better yet, this 4x4 will overcome seemingly impossible obstacles of track, making you venture where no other man has gone before. It says something real about the sense of adventure you can expect to feel when driving one of these.

The following are insights into the product that I consider depicted as accurate too: 

1. The toughness of both the mountain and the Cruiser,
2. The freedom to challenge your environment when you have the right vehicle, is another.
3. The subtle promise that the sky is the limit with a FJ Cruiser, to me leaves something with us in terms of desire and the sort of lifestyle most of us dream of. To me that's the kind of strategy that has longevity in mind. It's a very clever marketing/advertising tool.

Through allof this we can deduce that Toyota is definitely saying to existing, and possible future clients 'we get you'! Those three words are words almost all of us at some stage of our lives want to hear. When it comes to a brand we either have invested in or consider investing into they are also very important. I'm convinced it's the kind of thing that immediately sets the right tone for enjoying a driving journey like no other.

I also just want to add that the little rectangle that were used in the center of this ad to depict the steep gradient of the climb is an unique and special touch. It instantly draws your eye to a finer nuance concerning the environment and what you can expect from this vehicle. Once you realise this, you can simply let your mind can slip into cruise-control and ride off bravely like a lone rider into the sunset, knowing any other vehicle will be two tracks behind.

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